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Securing Your financial future: The importance of a Consent Order in a Divorce

It is important to note that whilst divorce only ends a marriage, legally separating two people, it does not end the financial obligations to each other.  This can only be achieved by the preparation, signing and filing of a Consent Order at Court.   

A Consent Order is a legal document that makes a financial agreement between two people legally binding.  A Consent Order can include how to divide property, savings, investments, pensions and maintenance payments, such as spousal maintenance.  A Consent Order should be prepared as soon as you've reached an agreement with your partner.

Securing Your financial future: The importance of a Consent Order in a Divorce

It is advised to make a Consent Order to:

1. Avoid future disputes

A Consent Order reduces the chance of disagreements over the terms of your settlement.

2. Protect your assets

A Consent Order prevents your ex from making future claims on your assets.

3. Get peace of mind

A Consent Order gives you certainty about your financial future and allows you to move on.

Even if there are no assets to divide or they have been divided previously, it is advised that a Consent Order still be prepared, signed and filed to ensure that a clean break order is achieved to save any financial issues in the future.  

If you are navigating divorce and need expert guidance on financial matters, our team is here to help. Get in touch with us today on 01754 897150 for tailored matrimonial advice to ensure your financial future is secure.