Pharmacy Negligence Lawyers, Lincolnshire
If you have been injured as a result of pharmacy negligence call our Medical Negligence Team for a free case assessment on 01754 897150 or start your claim online and we will call you.
Taking the incorrect medication for your illness can cause serious side effects and in some cases fatal consequences, depending on the type and amount of drug involved.
Pharmacists have a duty to ensure that you are provided with the correct drug for your illness. Pharmacists are required to check people’s allergies, dosage amounts and type of drugs required. They are trusted in handling and providing volumes of drugs to patients on a daily basis so when they get this wrong it can have a serious consequence on an individual’s health.
98% of our Clients who have participated in our Client survey rated our Medical Negligence claims service as excellent and would recommend us to others.
How we can help
If you believe you have received an incorrect prescription from your pharmacist which has resulted in delayed recovery or even worsened your symptoms, then contact our specialist Team of Solicitors for a free case assessment. We will discuss your case with you at length, consider the options available to you and ensure you take the correct legal action necessary for your case.
To find out more call our Medical Negligence Team on 01754 897150 or start your claim online.