Brain Injury Accident Claims
When victims of serious accidents suffer a head or brain injury, it is not uncommon for the effects to be detrimental. We have a Team of specialist Serious Personal Injury Solicitors available in Skegness, Lincolnshire who can help you to obtain compensation for any losses you have experienced as a result of the injury.
To organise your free consultation to claim compensation call us on 01754 897150 or start your Claim online and we will call you.
The brain is one of the most vital and fragile parts of our body so when it experiences an injury, the results can be devastating resulting in the victim having to rebuild their life and relearn skills most of us take for granted, including walking and talking.
Unfortunately, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an unfortunate fact of everyday life whether it is caused by a fall, a road traffic accident, a work-related accident or a sporting accident. Statistics show that in 2016-17 there were 348,453 UK admissions to hospital involving an acquired brain injury which equates to 954 admissions per day and almost 40 every hour.
Suffering from a brain injury can change your life and take several years for the effects to be fully known. There is a wide spectrum of symptoms ranging from headaches, dizziness, nausea, poor concentration, personality change, memory loss and fatigue to severe physical and psychological disability.
How we can help
Unlike other injuries, a brain injury may involve major adjustments affecting you, your family members, your employment and your healthcare needs. Such claims must be handled with the utmost care and expertise. This is where we can help. We will come and meet you at your home and establish how best we can help and support you including an assessment of your immediate rehabilitation needs, your transport needs, care and support needs, vocational and employment needs and financial needs.
As specialist members of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers we have expertise and experience in all type of head injury claims including:
- Closed head injuries;
- Open and penetrating head injuries;
- Concussive head injuries;
- Brain haemorrhage;
- Brain aneurysm;
- Hypoxic and anoxic brain injury.
Here at Hodgkinsons Solicitors, Skegness, we can help you make a claim for compensation on a No Win No Fee basis, if you or a loved one have been involved in an accident which was not your fault, and you have suffered a head or brain injury as a result of this.
Our Serious Injury Team is led by Steve Hill, a Solicitor with over 20 years of experience dealing with Claims for compensation for victims. Steve is a member of the specialist Law Society’s Personal Injury Panel and holds a Senior Litigator status awarded by the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers.
Our experienced and highly knowledgeable legal advisors have the ability to handle claims for victims of brain injuries throughout Skegness, Lincolnshire and across the entire UK. If you think you may have a claim for compensation, call our Serious Injury Team on 01754 897150 to find out more about how we can help you or start your claim online.